الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2011

تصفح الجرئد: المصرى اليوم

تصفح الجرئد: المصرى اليوم: المصري اليوم,المصرى اليوم,جريده المصرى اليوم,مصر اليوم,اخبار مصر,اخبار مصر اليوم, almasry alyoum جريدة المصري اليوم اكثر الجرائد المصري.

تصفح الجرئد: المساء

تصفح الجرئد: المساء: الموقع الرسمي لجريده المساء جريده حكوميه مصريه اخباريه اسبوعيه للذهاب الي الموقع اضغط علي الصوره بالاعلي

الخميس، 10 نوفمبر 2011

Know Before Undergoing A Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser hair removal was available for commercial use in mid 1990s after 20 years of experiments. It was authored by Massachusetts general hospital in 1980 and operates under the principles of matching the pulse of tissues and the light wavelength commonly known as selective photothermolysis. It is currently being used widely in homes and clinics because of its efficiency and speed. Efficiency is biased to the skills and the experience of the operator and of course the availability and choice of laser technologies which makes the tips for a perfect laser hair removal desirable.
Shave your hair a few days before the operation to make the stumps hard and visible for better results. Your hair should also not be waxed when about to get the treatment. This is because the wax pulls strands and ends up living limited hair surfaces to be absorbed by lesser.
Choose the right type and if you are getting the treatment from a clinic, find out what types are available and the experience they have had with them. The laser types come in different wave lengths that are designed to fit specific skin tones. Ask the one recommended for you as it can be harmful with the wrong skin type.
When using this at home, make sure you know how to use it and if need be go back to the instructions and read again just to be sure. It is also important to know what to expect from the treatment before you give the hospital a go ahead to perform it. Do not be pressured to sign the documentation and if you are not sure, request for more time to think over it.
Your eyes are at risk and therefore plans should be made to acquire protective gears such as goggles to avoid risks related to blindness when using the remover. Mixing medication is harmful to your health and for you to be safe, inform the doctor if you are on aspirins, anti-steroids, vitamin supplements and anti-inflammatory medicines. Ideally, you have a responsibility to let the doctor know of any other medication you are taking..
Pulses from laser light can hurt you and for this reason a recommendation of an anesthetic cream from a medic will help. A lidocaine coat can also be applied at least an hour before the treatment. Scaring, blisters, skin discoloration, soreness, redness and inflammation are some of the dangers that may occur during this procedure and it is important to seek medical attention.
Determine whether the doctor to handle you is qualified and has enough equipment to be used for this procedure. You can get the help from friends and relatives who have done this before for recommendations on where you can get better and safer services. This should be a licensed doctor.
Finally, it is important to know the charges to see whether you can afford to pay for the laser hair removal procedure. The cost will vary based on the part of the body to be treated since some are very sensitive and risky. You will get good results if you put the above considerations in mind.

By Adrianna Noton

Caps for Quality Wigs

When it comes to choosing quality wigs, the first thing people think of is style and color. Whether they want to stick with a color that they know looks natural or want to change to something more drastic, people often look at the aesthetics of a wig. And as they should, as that's the first thing everyone will notice. But what they don't realize is that underneath, the cap that holds the wig in place can be different and you'll want to decide which style you prefer. From synthetic wigs to real hair wigs, all have various options with the caps that hold them in place.
The most common and affordable type of cap for any quality wigs is the standard cap. When you imagine a wig cap, that's probably the one you are thinking of. The layers of hair are sewn on to the cap which has a lace layer at the crown that is closed. The crown is usually teased lightly so that you can't see the cap from the front. Because of this, there's a natural lift at the crown of the hair that gives the overall look more volume.
Capless wigs are similar to standard cap but instead of have the closed lace layer, there are vertical lace strips with open spaces between wefts. "Wefts" are the threads that the wig is laced around to keep it together. Open spaces means more ventilation, which means a lighter weight and overall a cooler cap to wear than standard cap wigs. These are a great choice during hot weather.
Mono-filament caps use a thin, breathable nylon that give the illusion of being skin. It'll take on the look of the wearers natural scalp color because it partly reveals the scalp below, so that it looks more natural. It also offers a lot of leniency with styling because each hair is hand tied at the crown so the hair can be parted or brushed any which way the wearer would like. It's a really good choice for those with total hair loss because standard caps can be itchy to sensitive scalps, but mono-filament are much softer to the touch.
Whichever caps you choose, you'll know that you'll be getting quality wigs with the comfort and fit that you need. If you have the ability to try on various wigs with different caps first, do so. You'll want to know what works best for you since you'll be wearing your new wig so often!
For over 30 years, Yaffa Wigs has been providing quality custom made and natural looking wigs to women. Our custom wigs are stylish and comfortable - exactly how every woman should feel
By Mark Etinger 

Everyone Is Talking About This Hives Cure

Hives is one of those skin disorders that can be aggravated at any stage during the year and for any reason, and as a result, researching a hives cure can be a very difficult experience. It is widely believed that a complete hives cure is not possible to achieve, since there is no specific medications for treating this condition. A breakout can be caused by any number of elements including cosmetics, plants, flowers, insects, spicy food and even pets.

Find a Hives Cure

For those looking for a hives cure, the best course of action to take is to find out what is actually causing the hives and therefore protect yourself from further breakouts. The following steps are very important to avoid a hives breakout, as well as the symptoms that come with this exasperating problem;

1. Decrease your intake of acidic fruits and spicy foods.
2. Steer clear of alcohol as it causes the blood vessels on the surface of the skin to widen.
3. Keep away from aspirin and coedine.
4. Steer clear of stressful places or situations.
5. Really hot direct sunlight causes the capillaries in the surface of the skin to dilate which can result in a breakout, so direct sun should be avoided when possible.

What Causes Hives?

The medical term for hives is urticaria but they are more commonly referred to as nettle rash, wheals or hives. A hives breakout can remain on your skin for hours or even days and the cause is often unknown. In order to find a hives cure you need to know what is causing the breakout. Is it your diet? Are you using highly perfumed cosmetics? Is it the aftershave you are using? Many people have a diary and keep track of what they eat and what cosmetics are being used. This is a great way to see what foods you had or what cosmetics you used when a breakout occurred, once you start to see a pattern emerge then you will know what is causing the breakout. Once you are aware of what is the likely cause of your breakouts then you can find a hives cure much easier.

Below are the 2 most probable causes of hives;

1. A reaction to environmental irritants such as flowers, plants, sunlight, pet hair, creams, weather, perfumes.
2. Reaction to medication - an individual may be allergic to penicillin or any type of medication

Determining a Hives Cure

Hives affect an individual's body in a physical manner but they can also affect an individual psychologically. There are various psychological effects that can occur such as low self esteem, a lack of confidence or perhaps a fear of going outside, all of this factors can have a knock on effect on someone's relationships. That is why determining a hives cure is so essential.

Ideally people want to discover a hives cure at home, here are some of the remedies that you can do yourself at home;

1. A great way to relieve any itching you may have is to apply calamine lotion to the area.
2. Cool compression can be put on the skin, reducing pain and swelling.
3. Drinking camomile tea has a beneficial effect on hives as it calms the body as in turn calms the hives.
4. Spread cool aloe vera gel to the affected area, this helps to soothe the area and relieve swelling.
5. Itching can also be relieved by applying alkaline solutions such as milk of magnesia to the area.

Hives Cure - A Solution

A doctor and researcher, Gary M. Levin, has produced a guide that has grown to be the most successful hives cure online today. His search for a hives cure began 13 years ago and has culminated in thousands of successful testimonials from his patients. His proven techniques are the result of thousands of hours of research. Thankfully, a complete hives cure is now 100% possible thanks for Dr Levin's techniques and this is reflected in the number of positive testimonials that he receives on a daily basis. If there is anyone out there who is needlessly suffering with this debilitating skin condition then you should follow Dr Levin's easy system. It will be the best investment they ever make.

I began my search for a hives cure after 12 years as a hive sufferer. Thanks to Dr Levin's approach I haven't had a breakout in 3 years. My confidence is so much better, I look forward to going out now. It is a simple hives cure and I urge people to give it a go, it will change your life for the better.
By: Joshua Douglas

الجرائد السعوديه

الجرائد السعوديه

الأربعاء، 9 نوفمبر 2011

طرق الاشتراك في ادسنس عن طريق وسيط

في هذا الموضوع سنتعرف علي مجموعه من مواقع مشاركه الارباح
والتي تسمح بالتسجيل في جوجل ادسنس من خلالها

رقم (1)

1- احصل على حساب ادسنس من خلال موقع Webanswers.com

هذا الموقع عباره عن غرفه لادسنس وللاعضاء المشتركين بها يمكنهم بسهوله الاشتراك فى ادسنس من خلال هذا الموقع

يجب تنفيذ الخطوات التاليه بكل دقه

1- قم بادخال اسمك وعنوانك وكل بياناتك الصحيحه عن الاشتراك فى الموقع اكرر بياناتك الصحيحه

2-قم بالاجابه عن 30 او اكثر من الاسئله الموجوده فى الموقع اجابات صحيحه وليست اجابات سبام كما يفعل الكثير

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4- بعد الاجابه عن عشرة اسئله يمكنك التسجيل فى ادسنس عن طريق هذا الموقع

5- يجب ان يكون لك فى الموقع على الاقل 100 سؤال او 10 اجابات جيده

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7-عند التسجيل فى ادسنس قم بكتابة اسم صفحتك فى موقعWebanswers.com فى خانة الموقع


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3-احصل على حساب ادسنس من خلال موقع Flixya.com جوجل في طريقها لالغاء الاشتراك في ادسنس من خلال هذا الموقع

وهذا الموقع من اشهر المواقع المنتشره بين العرب عند السؤال عن كيفية التسجيل فى ادسنس
ويعد هذا الموقع من مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى ويمكنك من خلاله من مشاركة ملفات الفيديو والصور والمواضيع المختلفه

1-قم بالتسجيل فى الموقع

2-قم بتفعيل حسابك من خلال الايميل الذى سيرسل اليك

3- قم برفع عدة فيديوهات وصور الى صفحتك هلى الموقع ويفضل ان تكون الفيديوهات حصريه

4- قم بكتابة عدة مقالات حصريه غير منقوله

5- قم بالتسجيل فى ادسنس ولكن اجعل رابط صفحتك فى فليكسيا فى خانة الموقع عند التقدم بطلب الى ادسنس

6- سيتم قبول طلب خلال ساعات


4-احصل على حساب ادسنس من خلال موقع indyarocks.com

1- قم بالتسجيل فى الموقع
2- قبل ان تسجل فى ادسنس من خلال هذا الموقع هنالك عدة اشياء يجب تحقيقها اولا
1-يجب ان تكون بياناتك مكتمله على الاقل بنسبة 80%

2- يجب ان يكون ملفك الشخصى متاح للجميع رؤيته

3-يجب عليك رفع على الاقل 10 صور الى الموقع ويكون متاح للجميع رؤيتها

4- يجب كتابة على الاقل 3 مقالات حصريه طبعا

5- بعد ان اكتملت هذه الشروط قم بالتقدم الى جوجل ادسنس وسيتم التفعيل خلال ساعات

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